Name of School: Matunda – Skills for Living School
Location: Matunda in Tranzoia District in Western Kenya
Number of Teachers: 3
Number of Students: 80
School Opened: 2005
Name of School: Matunda – Skills for Living School
Location: Matunda in Tranzoia District in Western Kenya
Number of Teachers: 3
Number of Students: 80
School Opened: 2005
How many desks? NONE
How many needed?: 40
How many benches? 15
How many children per bench? 4 (some children sit on the floor)
If the school closed what would happen?
If the school expanded what is the value?
Teacher Reviews:
"It is our vision to change the future of this community. It is through education of young students that the lives of everyone in the village will change. This is our hope for the future."
20 meals a day plus snacks for the 40 orphans who attend this school (this cost is approximately $400 per month)
Pens, paper, 3 chalk boards, chalk, desks
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